leica m4

Burnt Out Car by David Herington

Tuesday September 21, 2021.

While I was driving to work I did a double take as I passed the northern end of Cross Road in Numulgi. This burnt out car was sitting on the gravel. Not an uncommon sight, however what was spilling out of the bonnet was less common. A beautiful arrangement of red bottle brush and hippeastrum flowers, flowing from the charred engine bay to the ground. I used Ilford HP5 film pushed one stop with a red 25A contrast filter to get the extra contrasty look.

35 - Number 1 by David Herington


35 is a series dedicated to my favourite focal length, 35mm on 135 format. 50mm is what is known as the “normal lens”, however for me and for how I see, 35mm is normal to me.

I am going to start with a photograph I made in Vienna, Austria.

This photograph was made on the 10th of February 2020, directly outside the hotel I was staying at in Vienna.

I was on tour with DZ Deathrays, who were supporting the English band The Darkness and we were staying in the MEININGER Hotel on the corner of Columbusgasse and Raaber-Bahn-Gasse. I believe since staying there, that this hotel has permanently closed down.
We arrived on the 9th and had a night off, which allowed me to get an early sleep and subsequent early rise.

This was photographed around 8am as the gentleman was walking west with his morning shopping along Raaber-Bahn-Gasse. I immediately noticed the shaft of morning light splitting between the building to the south, funneling up Columbusgasse and hitting the side of his face. It was a very split second image - one frame, totally unsure if I’d captured anything and I was glad to see I did when I developed the roll later on.

The show that night was at Simm City and definitely a lot of fun.